Response by Phillip Bond

[ Buddha ]


The GATHERING OF RAEME over the 2004 ANZAC weekend got the response we hoped for here in Brisbane.

Our thanks to one and all for making this one of the greatest weekends that has ever been put together by the veterans of the Corps in Australia.

All the events were made so successful by everyone joining in so whole heartedly. Once again, I thank them. My thanks also for the support and encouragement from those who tried to come but were not able.

I have spoken to as many of those I could who were unable to join us for the celebration in Brisbane.

Without exception, they were disheartened that they couldn't get there to see so many of their past mates from all those decades ago; some of whom have become isolated and been lost to us for over 35 years.

The emails I received showed the fellowship we all share. I thought you might enjoy reading some extracts.

Don McLeod
Thanks for the chance to catch up with old mates from the past.
Good times had by all. Regards
John Sinclair

Well I was at the Gathering Dinner last night, my big outing for the year.

Phil Bond did us proud. It was bigger than "Quo Vadis and just as spectacular with Frank Maloney riding herd as MC. It was a vast room, filled to capacity with what seemed to be a multitude but nearer to 400 in reality, while a band pumped out the music and songs of the time. Three noises that will be associated with the base at the Dat; the sound of the guns firing at odd intervals throughout the night; the flights of Hueys in early morning and late afternoon; and the sound of guitars and the sings, some pretty good and some bloody awful that filled many of the evenings.

I caught up with so many people. Some it took me time to associate with my memory of them, even the old name or two that had slipped. But the longer we talked and joked, the more they seemed to be the same 20 year olds I knew then, and many in the same grouping of mates. But here they are now, grandfathers. More than one said they remembered me as being as old as their father and somewhat larger in stature. I was only 37 at the time, and while I have shrunk somewhat, not that much. As we get older we look through the glass darkly, at least I do.

I found it was quite an emotional event and I drew strength from the fellows, meeting their wives and partners and hearing something of their lives. I was only the "Old Man" so how must it have been for them

Thanks fellows and, Phil Bond, I cannot thank you enough.

take care
"The Old Man", (literally now)

Claude Palmer
John Sinclair has said it all, Hear! Hear!
Les & Pat Edis

Hi Buddha,

Well, what a stupendous success that was!! I have some slight idea of the enormous effort that you personally expended to make the weekend the success it was.

Hearty congratulations for coming up with the idea in the first place and also for battling on to see the event though to fruition.

Well done, mate. Cheers

John Parfitt
Thanks again for a great weekend Lyn and I had a beaut time.
Kevin and Margaret Pearson

Congratulations and sincere heartfelt thanks for the best organised and most enjoyable reunion I have ever experienced in my life.

Absolutely everything was just perfect for each and every aspect of this truly great function.

It was really great to meet up with blokes that I had not seen or heard of for possibly thirty years and also to be reunited with some that I served with in SVN.

Even my good wife managed to meet up with lady friends and what's more some of their children who are course now married and have children of their own. It was indeed a great thrill for her.

Well done to all involved in presenting the occasion and many many thanks

Paul Spresser

Good do.

Lets do this again - next year.

Mike Cox

Received the parcel you sent down.

The shirt and everything looks great. I hope the port tastes as good.

I hope the weekend was a great success and I miss going up to catch up with all the boys. You will have to come down to Victoria for next 102 reunion Oct. 2005. It will be a good weekend.

Janet has the stitches removed from her toes today they are mending well.

Thanks again for the parcel and cheque.

Fred Santich

What a wonderful weekend in Bisbane for the reunion, march and fellowship afterwards. I ran in to some great friends that I have missed for 30 odd years and have never stopped thinking of the great (and bad) times experienced, and the comradeship we shared all those years ago.

The organizers of the events need another medal as they did a great job and it was well worth the trip from the west to share the weekend. I look forward and I hope I can attend the next get together.

However, I am not retired like all my mates seem to be so my schedule needs to fit somehow. Maybe I better join the army again.

cheers and best regards......... Sambo

Paul Spresser

Champion effort.

Someone else needs to take the flag up next time - in the relevant geographical area.

It was like a family reunion - without the squabbles - and will be something that I will remember for some time to come. We also made an impression on the public as a strongly unified group, not the least of which was the march (now how did we all remember to start off on the correct foot????- scary)

We all appreciated it. Regards

Greg & Pam Russell
What a great week-end we all had. I guess you were run off your feet although you seemed to be fairly relaxed at the Port Office on Sunday.
Lindsay Morton

Congratulations Phil & Phyllis Bond and your dedicated workers on a great weekend in Brisbane.

The most emotional weekend I have witnessed in a long time. Was great to catch up with Sippy Surman, China, Shep, Blue Saunders and many others. My wife Sandy was so surprised how emotional it was.

Again thank you to all who made it possible. It will be talked about for a long time to come.


The Townsville Contingent .. Squizzy Taylor

Congratulations on your efforts in ensuring such a successful 'Gathering of RAEME'. All who attended from the Townsville area have been singing your praises.

The most frequently asked question is 'can we do it again next weekend?'

Once again congratulations and many thanks

DRAC Grant

Many thanks to Buddha, Speed and all others involved in the planning and conduct of a very successful RAEME reunion.

From the RAEME crowd of one on SAIBAI Island I look forward to the next function.

A large crocodile was sighted yesterday and my 40 year old apprentice is cutting up a turtle and a dugong for kai-kai now.

Chiefie69 (Col Thorpe)

Well what a Gathering.

I sent some 40 digi shots over to Phil he responded by email & said he thought it was the greatest gathering ever.. how true is that!

From my point, I was a little overwhelmed at the enormity of it all & humbled by the enormous amount of guys pre-vietnam who (my memory is stuffed as well John!) ...well Nev Smith grabbed me the moment I walked in the meet & greet saying "Pucka 1 Armd Regt LAD 1959 era" wow, & those wonderful greetings kept coming.. another guy I stood in front of said "Darwin 1964" same Peter Perry.. also the amount of guys saying good-day chiefie... suffice to say absolute magic organisers!!! Phil "Buddha" Phyllis, John Sinclair & associated helpers .. take a well deserved bow!

When is the next gathering? chow

Peter and Chris Pernarowski

Hi! Buddha just a short note to say thank you for the lovely and well organised week-end, a job well done. So thanks again. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Norm Wells

Congratulations Buddha on a fantastic weekend of well planned events.

So much fun to catch up with old friends. My first sighting of old long lost mate Vince Oliveri since our 1961 Balcombe graduation was certainly a special for me on Fri ni when he dropped by.

Rest easy Buddha, job very well done.

Nev & Marg Rayfield
Many thanks for the hospitality last weekend - both Marg and I really enjoyed the time with you and our "old" mates from 106.
Lou Lanera

Just a quick note to say thanks for all your efforts for the RAEME Gathering weekend.

It was great to catch up with Ron Conde & Terry Chipman again but unfortunately didn't see any one from 131 Div. Loc. Bty. or the LAD'S I was detached to. Maybe next time.

Thanks & ciao for now

Reg Davey (ex Cpl VM, 101 Fd Wksp)

Back in cold old Melbourne after an enjoyable weekend at the reunion seeing lots of old faces.

Congratulations on the organization. Regards

Fred Pallas

A personal note of thanks for the time and effort that you put in to create a memorable weekend.

It was so good to see people that I had not seen since 1971, in particular Ollie Waugh who was my tent mate for almost all my tour.

The weekend has made me aware that I am not alone in what I feel or experience: it has shown me that there are a number of doors through which I can seek assistance, all I need now is the courage to open one. Without the weekend, I would continue to be alone. Thanks for all you both did.

Please pass my thanks to anyone else who assisted. Regards

Phillip & Narelle Consalvo

I have deliberately waited to reply to you because I am sure that your service provider would have had to set up a permanent line directly to you to handle all of the mail you would be receiving from all of the REAME Blokes that attended the Get together over the ANZAC Day Weekend.

THANKING YOU, YOUR FAMILY and the rest of the TEAM that organized such a great Gathering. WELL DONE.

Although I was not part of the 106 I was RAEME and so I was proud to hear of the Units History as a part of the RAEME family.

Thank you for the way in which you made me feel welcome and I assure you that Both Narelle and myself had A MOST ENJOYABLE weekend.

I did receive your email with the Photo's thank you for that. I will print it out and will keep it as a reminder of ANZAC DAY 04.


I thank you all and am humbled by your responses.

As you all know 106 Field Workshop RAEME Association is now an incorporated identity. Please check the Unit Association (flashing "NEW") and help us go forward.

If all goes well, we should be looking at having the next "GATHERING OF RAEME" in W.A for ANZAC DAY 2006. So all you Bluebells get together and start corresponding with us.

8 May 2004